Online lessons and in-person lessons now offered at our NEW LOCATION known affectionately as “The Grotto”  at 500 Alakawa,  Honolulu!

Ilisa Guitar

Guitar Lessons



The guitar is the perfect instrument for this emerging vocal talent. Our plan is to discover and develop accompaniment styles that showcase her natural abilities. How exciting!

English Teacher/Painter

We stated with classical pieces in notation and went on to explore instrumentals and slack key in tablature.  Favorite pieces include some Japanese music!

Heartfelt Fingerpicker

We’ve enjoyed learning pop, rock, country, folk,  and music that makes you cry! This singer and fingerstylist has several instrumentals in the works!

College Girl

This serious student enjoys working out indie and new folk music s a break from studies. She shares music with friends and sings, too!

Interior Designer

This creative student has the ideal spot in which to play her choice of music: the soft sounds of all types of folk.  So peaceful!

The Teacher

This teacher is very grateful to her students for giving her the opportunity to explore and share all types of music. The must be the most joyful job on the planet!

Artist and Teacher

This adventurous musician plays clawhammer and bluegrass banjo. Her love of folk music led to an exploration of various guitar styles from roots to folk-pop and folk-rock.  There’s an ocean of music to discover!


I enjoy playing because it relaxes me & I like to express myself through music. I like to play all types of music, but my favorite is instrumental.

Corporate Sales/Singer

The guitar is the perfect instrument for this trained vocalist.  We’re well on our way to developing her ability to create accompaniments, complete with instrumental interludes! Her musical tastes are broad and there is much to explore.

Physical Therapist/Music Explorer

Sunflowers perfectly illustrate this professional’s approach to life and music Such freedom is available to us all!

Sister and brother practicing guitar

Rock Stars

This brother and sister collaborate on their choice of music and wind up playing in a variety of styles. Indie folk, indie pop, oldies, top ten. It’s all fair game and they are learning a lot!

Isac practicing classical guitar

Classical Guitarist

This young guitarist enjoys sight-reading and playing all kinds of music in the classical style. Pop, folk, light rock, and traditional pieces from the classical repertoire.