Online lessons and in-person lessons now offered at our NEW LOCATION known affectionately as “The Grotto”  at 500 Alakawa,  Honolulu!

Ilisa Guitar

Guitar Lessons

Psychological aspects of meditative practice

Psychological aspects of meditative practice We all have thoughts and beliefs about practice.  Unfortunately, the belief that your session “should”  take a certain form or last a certain amount of time may just stop you cold.    Everyone has a unique set of circumstances to mold to a practice session.   In the beginning stages […]

Meditation’s Beneficial Attitudes: Practices for Guitar

Beneficial Meditation Attitudes – (based on Kabat-Zinn, 1990) The mental states that we develop through mindfulness meditation, (Vipassana meditation) are wonderful aids to guitar practice. Hopefully, the following list will help you turn your practice session into a relaxing refresher for mind and body. Non-judging – The habit of immediately judging every event as good or bad […]

Learn to Meditate with Your Guitar: to Your Health!

Learn to Meditate While You Play Well, what exactly is meditation and how does it apply to playing a musical instrument?  Of course, people have different ideas of what it might be.  As one person said to me, “I meditate all the time. I just sit still and try not to think.”  That’s impossible.  Meditation is not stopping your […]

Guitar Practice Session: Success Is All in Your Head

Mental Aspects of the Guitar Practice Session I wrote about physical tension in a previous post here, and now we need to consider mental tension and it’s role in the guitar practice session. It’s a good idea to deliberately set up a positive expectation for a relaxing, rejuvenating, and meditative guitar practice session.  You can do […]

Guitar Practice: The Meditative Approach for Beginners

Guitar Practice: A Process, A Path, A Meditation Part I: The Process Advanced guitar players know the meditative aspects of focused guitar practice.  Most of us have a little personal ritual, developed over the years, that we engage in each time we pick up our instruments.  It opens the mental door to musical play and […]